Call for Contributions: Defending Human Rights Amid the New Wave of Arab Uprisings

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Similar to political and economic struggles, the human rights struggle can be seen in the context of revolution as well as counter-revolution in the politics of transition. On one hand, a discourse in the defence of human rights may be present in revolutionary political movements and protests. On the other, the instrumentalisation of human rights discourses by counter-revolutionary powers, whether locally by the ruling elites or internationally by other governments, may also exist.

Now eight years after the beginning of the first wave of Arab uprisings, Algeria and Sudan have apparently begun a new wave of revolt. It is evident that protesters in the two countries, and across the region, have evolved politically; learning several lessons from failures of the past. Rowaq Arabi, an electronic magazine specialised in human rights studies in the Middle East and North Africa, is calling for contributions on this topic, under the theme of  ‘Human rights discourses in the new wave of Arab uprisings: Their development in the dynamics of peaceful protests and popular mobilisation and their instrumentalisation by counter-revolutionary powers’.

Submissions, which include papers, analyses, and book reviews, are accepted from now until the 31st of December 2019 in both Arabic or English. Abstracts, along with a recent list of previously published articles are to be sent to Contributors with no previous publications are welcome and encouraged to send complete articles. Once published, authors will be compensated for their contributions.

Rowaq Arabi suggests the following sub-topics for contributors while welcoming other suggestions relevant to the main theme of this call:

To read more about Rowaq Arabi, its history in print since 1996 and its ongoing online transition, in addition to our author’s guidelines, please refer to this link.


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