Call for Papers: The Future of Human Rights and Democratisation after the Arab Uprisings

Call for Papers: The Future of Human Rights and Democratisation after the Arab Uprisings

Over a decade after the first wave of Arab Uprisings began in December 2010, the region continues to confront the same fundamental challenges that had set off the revolts, even after a second wave swept other Arab states. In fact, the challenges of political and economic development and national integration have grown, even in Tunisia—the exception among first-wave states—so much so that the future of the nation-state itself has been thrown into doubt in countries such as Syria, Yemen, Libya, Iraq, and Sudan. These developments potentially carry the gravest human rights implications since the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was issued in 1948.

Throughout the last decade, war crimes and crimes against humanity—once exceptions seen in this or that Arab country—have been normalised in the aforementioned countries and Egypt as well. The region has become an open arena for armed interventions by Iran, Turkey, Russia, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates, and paramilitary mercenaries sponsored by Russia, Turkey, and the UAE. Military interventions launched by Israel and the United States before the Arab Uprisings continue as well, and over the last two years Israel’s role has expanded as it has an increasingly influential role in supporting authoritarian regimes in the Arab world.

Rowaq Arabi, a peer reviewed journal dedicated to human rights studies, is soliciting research papers exploring the horizons of democratisation and human rights for a special issue titled, ‘The Future of Human Rights and Democratisation after the Arab Uprisings’. The journal calls for the submission of papers containing original research drawing on interdisciplinary approaches in social sciences, humanities, and law. Papers of between 5,000 and 7,000 words should be submitted to no later than midnight on 31 May 2022 (CET). The papers should be submitted in two files: the full paper, without the author’s name, preceded by a 150-word abstract and a separate cover page including the paper title, author’s name, affiliation, and paper abstract. The best, most relevant papers will be sent to the referee committee and authors will receive financial remuneration upon publication. Papers that do not follow Rowaq Arabi’s style guidelines—available here—will not be considered.

Rowaq Arabi suggests the following research topics and welcomes other proposals salient to the main theme:

To read more about Rowaq Arabi, its history in print since 1996 and its ongoing online transition, in addition to its publication guidelines, please refer to this link.

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